Monday, March 3, 2014


It's really hard to remember just one thing. I enjoyed this class more than i thought i would. time flew

by so quickly. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of class.

Just like today we had so many laughs while rule playing, found great acting talents in our class :).

The past 4 weeks were full of collaboration as we worked in different groups all the time, and i believe

that is the biggest lesson to learn. To work harmoniously with other people to get the best job done and give support to those who need it, is nobel .

So to my classmates, i wish you all the best of luck and i hope you always do the best you can do.

For those going back home, i wish you safe travel.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Memorable Destination

Laguna Beach was one of the most memorable destinations in California. Irvine and a large part of Newport Beach are  modern cities with all buildings and street looking alike since its all owned by the Irvine company. It took me few months to know my way around Irvine because every street and building looked the same, so i had to remember street names. When i arrived in Laguna the streets looked authentic and each buildings had its own character and beauty, i knew my around it in few minutes! I couldn't believe it as i thought I'm bad at direction but turns out I'm not the one to blame.

Laguna has a beautiful beach and lovely little shops, my favorite store is the candy store :)

Irvine " the copy and paste city" as i like to call it.
Laguna Beach

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Topic #2 Someone I Admire

A lot of people mentioned they admire people for being successful, but i chose to write for a different reason. Mom is one of the people i admire and look up to for her personality not because she is my mother. I admire how honest, generous, loving and caring she is. She doesn't only care about us her children, but every around her. Even strangers. When ever she has food left when eat out, she takes it and some change and try to find a person who is hungry and gives it to them. she never throws away food. Back home in Saudi, after lunch she would take all the left overs then arrange everything nicely just as she would do for us and take's it to the poor neighborhoods, she knows a lot of needy families. she does that almost everyday for as far as i can remember, she never got bored or tired of doing it. I think she has a beautiful soul that makes the world a better place. Me and my family are lucky and blessed to have her in our lives.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Hello my name is DAR. I'm from the middle east. I'm in the

to get into an MBA program. hopefully this year.

Thank you and have a good day.