Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Topic #2 Someone I Admire

A lot of people mentioned they admire people for being successful, but i chose to write for a different reason. Mom is one of the people i admire and look up to for her personality not because she is my mother. I admire how honest, generous, loving and caring she is. She doesn't only care about us her children, but every around her. Even strangers. When ever she has food left when eat out, she takes it and some change and try to find a person who is hungry and gives it to them. she never throws away food. Back home in Saudi, after lunch she would take all the left overs then arrange everything nicely just as she would do for us and take's it to the poor neighborhoods, she knows a lot of needy families. she does that almost everyday for as far as i can remember, she never got bored or tired of doing it. I think she has a beautiful soul that makes the world a better place. Me and my family are lucky and blessed to have her in our lives.


  1. This is Ryo.
    I think your mother is perfect, and you are very happy to be her daughter. Also, I know you are like your mother because you helped other students many times in class. I would like to have mind like you and your mother have.

  2. What a beautiful person! The world needs more people like her.

  3. What you mentioned is so touching. You have a great mom. God bless her heart.
